Young Bricklayers Sponsored
We were delighted to again, support the trainee brickies from Suffolk New Collage as they demonstrated their skills at the Suffolk Show this year.
Four teams built structures ranging from a show bench with planters to a fireplace and an Ipswich Town promotion wall. Each structure demonstrated a range of bricklaying skills and creative design in choice of brick and laying pattern. Nickki Lax from WH Collier attended the show and congratulated the teams on their outstanding work.
Each structure used the following bricks:
Show Bench with planters – Primrose Weathered for main and specials. Antique for the soldier courses and Georgian Red at either end. Plaques in Primrose Mild
Fireplace – Golden which we no longer produce but our Primula Yellow is very close
ITFC wall – Georgian Red topped with Primrose weathered (blue bricks not WH Colliers, but it wouldn’t have been right if they weren’t blue!)
Winners podium – Primrose Weathered